Sunday, February 7, 2010

My college nights

A lot of people think that once you get to college, its complete freedom. No parents to tell you what to do, no curfew, and of course the drinking. I feel that everyone thinks that college is just drinking, drinking, drinking. That’s cool, whatever they want to do for fun. For me, I’m not a fan of drinking, it just doesn’t taste all that good to me. My weekend nights consist of a couple of my friends, and myself rocking it up in the dorms. A group of my floor buddies, which I will not say the names of but instead say code names for them, got rock band two. It is the best game ever to play obviously because it can have up to four people play. Each of us is usually good at one instrument. J-dog is really good at drums; he’s able to play up to expert which gets pretty ridiculous if you have ever seen drums on expert. It’s just a rainbow of rectangles coming at you. E-dog plays expert base, M-dog sings medium, and I play guitar, usually, on expert. Of course we all switch it up and go on easier levels so we all get a chance to play each instrument. Definitely nights I enjoy a lot, but not only them but another group of my friends got rockband at another dorm building. Only difference is they got rockband one and Beatles rockband, and ACDC rockband. So basically, a lot of games are going around. It’s hilarious when we play Beatles rockband because everyone sings the songs together and it’s really just a full on happy time together. I love having friends who don’t go out drinking every weekend but instead just stay in and goof off like high school kids again, it really brings back good times before college.

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