Sunday, April 4, 2010


Sometimes I feel I’m ok in everything, not amazing in one. I can run average, I draw because I love to and I’m not amazing (although I wish I was). One thing I feel I can be or will be an expert in is learning the anatomy and physiology of the human body. I absolutely love the human body. It is by far the most amazing, complex, and beautiful thing ever created. I know so much about it, not every little detail about it, but I know a lot of facts, structures, and processes of how the body works. I have books, posters, and I’ve taken classes about the body. In high school my anatomy teacher had me fall in love with learning more about the human body. I thought it was going to be a hard class, to learn so much detail about the human body, I was scared. But he made it the best experience I’ve ever had in high school. With learning about the human body, it gets me to draw better. I’m amazed at how flowing the body looks how everything connects perfectly and flows amazingly. Hopefully in a couple of years, I’ll become a nurse and get to work with the human body every day. I would love nothing more than to pursue nursing and not only help people, but learn about the human body and get up close. I went the body world’s exhibit and that just blew my mind away. That exhibit made me appreciate the body even more than I do now. Since I was little, I’ve loved the human body, it all started out with mummies and from there it just expanded to the human body. I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ll say it again. When I pass away ( can’t believe I’m talking about death and I’m only 19) I want to donate my body to body world’s and show the world what lies beneath their skins.

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