Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Emotions and college

Emotions tend to be the most annoying thing in the world sometimes. I’m friends with a guy on my floor and in the beginning of the year; we hung out and spent a lot of time together as friends. It was fun just chilling, then feelings started to emerge. Of course, how else are you suppose to feel when you spend almost every day with this one person who’s your good friend and just makes you laugh all the time (and not to mention how cute he his). My roommate would joke around and say (and this was said last semester so in maybe November) by mid next semester that he and I would be dating. I just laughed and said no way. Funny thing is, in one week we spent almost every meal together, it was fun because he made me laugh, even though he is really quiet. Some weekends when his roommate would head for home, he would ask me if I wanted to have a sleepover and just bunk in his roommate’s bed I was like why not? Nothing was going to happen because he knew I had a boyfriend and I can tell he didn’t want to ruin that. Pulse there were separate beds. Funny part was I woke up at nine and he didn’t wake up till eleven. It was pretty chill actually. Eventually people on our floor would ask, are we dating yet, or are we together yet. It was a bit awkward because, well I guess we didn’t see each other dating. I have a boyfriend back in my home town. We’ve been dating for about 19 months already. I love him to death, I just don’t like being far away from him and not seeing him for an extended period of time. And when you have a really awesome guy friend here that you spend a lot of time with, it gets confusing. I felt like I’ve gotten nudges that he likes me but I keep on saying “no I will not like him back” in the affection way and i keep telling myself that he doesn't like me that way. I care for him all the time because friends care for each other. The sucky part is that some nights when I’ve heard that he hung out with other people and some girls were in the group, I got a bit jealous. Really, really stupid reason to get jealous. I guess because of that I’m afraid I won’t just get to hang with him anymore. Then I just keep telling myself, that nothing will ever happen, that he is just a really good friend, and that I have a loving boyfriend, who I sometimes get to see. But if I wasn’t dating my boyfriend and we split before college, then I met this guy on my floor, and he asked me to date him, I probably would. Does that make me a bad person?


  1. I don't think this makes you a bad person at all...just don't do anything to jeapordize your relationship back home! I think no matter what people are attracted to their friends in some way and that's why we like having friends. Also don't put yourself in bad positions as to where things might happen!

  2. Long distance relationships are one of the hardest to maintain. I broke up with my ex-girlfriend before college so I could live a more "typical" college life style and to not be stressing out when she hung out with her guy friends (which would be always). It is a decision your going to have to make, especially if you have the same feelings after summer.
